Monday, December 5, 2011

Self Reflection

(1) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?  P

(2) What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?
I think my independent component is going pretty good. People keep coming to the meetings, and they seem interested in the topics we discuss in the club. Also my research has helped me a lot by understanding more my topic.

(3) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why? 
Even though I have very helpful research, I think I need more research to help me with my project. Since model assembly started, I haven’t focused on my senior project too much. I think it's necessary for me to get more quality research in order to be able to answer my EQ. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your hypothesis?
If a 19-25 year old male in LA county has an income of $30,000 or less, then he is more likely to commit a sex crime against a child under age 14.

2. Identify the dependent (produced), independent (manipulated) and control variables in your hypothesis.
independent: socioeconomic status ($30,000 or less)
dependent: Male age 19-25. . 

3. What is the connection between your science fair project and your senior project EQ?
 My EQ is 'What is the best way to help a patient that suffers from PTSD due to sexual abuse?' When a patient has been sexually abused, it is necessary explain them why it happened. One of the reasons why it happened would be because of the socioeconomic status. This would help them understand more why they're going through that and realize it's not their fault. 

4. How will you perform the experiment?  Include the equipment you plan on using.
I decided that I will have a survey asking people what they believe a rapist looks like. I'm going to need 100 people. Also I will be looking at different cases, so I can see if I can find any correlations between socioeconomic stutus and the ages. Then I would compare the results from the survey and the results from the research. 
I will need is a computer that has Microsoft Excel, so I can organize all my data.

5. Which category will your project be listed under? 
My project would be listed under Behavioral/Social Science.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I've learned so Far.

1) What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
Something that I've learned to do since I started working on my project is to interview people in a more effictive way, and  to be able to identify the most significant information from the interview.

2) Post evidence of this accomplishment.  It can be in the form of a picture, video, document, etc..
3) What research helped you to do this and how?*

Lucia Gonzales, a social worker, was my best source. She helped me a lot by answering my questions. Also when we were just talking, she explained me how paying close attention to the interviewee's answers is so important, and how she has to notice all the details. For what she told me, I tried to pay more attention to the answers she gave me, and just pick the most important points she talked about in the interview.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

 1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
For my independent component I am planning to start a club. The purpose of the club is to raise sexual assault awareness as well as other issues society is facing, and raise money for the project sister organization. Also I'm one of the committee member for the Denim day event. I'm going to have to go to different meetings in order to organize the event. 

2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
I'm planning to have a club meeting once a week, and have different events in which we could raise money for the organization,  other events to raise awareness. Also the meetings I will have with the Denim Day committee members and the actual event. 

3. How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?   
My EQ is "What is the best way to help a patient that suffers from PTSD due to sexual abuse?" and one of my possible answers is prevention. And raising awareness is a way to prevent sexual abuse. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

What is your EQ?
What is the best way to help a patient that suffers for from PTSD due to sexual abuse?
Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
To Help: to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist.
PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
What are some possible answers to your EQ so far?
-          Join a support group.
-          Meditation
What has been your most important source and why?
Since I just change my topic, I don’t have too much research. However, I believe that the most important resource so far was the article "The Monsters in My Head: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the Child Survivor of Sexual Abuse." This is my most important source so far because it explains what it is, and it gave me the idea for my essential question.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

Background Questions.

1.       Why did you decide to work with abused children? How this experience has affected your life?
2.       Why did you decide to work in this organization?
3.       What do you think are the most important facts about this organization that everyone that works here should know?
4.      What college did you go to? For how many years?
5.       What do you think is the most rewarding part of your job?
6.       For how long have worked in this organization?
7.       What is your currently position and what exactly do you do?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Interview 1 & Presentation 1

1.       In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.
I think my first interview affected my presentation in a good way. The social worker I interviewed gave me different examples of child abuse, and some statistics about it. She told me that child abuse is the most common way a child can die, and the amount of children that die every year. That made me realized that the majority of people only know the concept of the issue, but not how the problem is affecting our society.  Therefore, I decided to do my presentation on child abuse awareness.

2.       What you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
I believe that something that stood out about my presentation were the facts about child abuse I gave. Everyone looked surprised because they didn’t have any idea that child abuse is really a big deal, and that several children are suffering and even dying from it.

3.       What was the most challenging to do and why?
I think the most challenging to do was to pick a topic. There were several things I could’ve talked about, but the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to use the information again made it a little complicated.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Senior Project Presentation 1

Objective: The students will learn the difference between the types of child abuse. (Physical, sexual, psychological, and neglect)
1.       Audience interaction.
2.       A brief definition of child abuse.
3.       Introduction to the different types of abuse (physical, sexual, psychological, and neglect)
4.       Explanation of each type of abuse.
5.       Check for understanding.  (ask students if they have any questions and ask them some questions regarding the information already given)
Resources/Materials: I will use a poster displaying examples of child abuse, and I will use this visual while explaining the types of abuse.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interview Check.

1. Who are you interviewing and why?
I'm not a 100% sure who I will interview, but I have two options. One is a professor from Cal Poly. Since one of the classes he offers is a social work class,  I believe he could give more information about the topic, tell me what are some good ways to start with my project, and maybe give me some good options about other points I could consider to focus on.

My second option is an ER social work. She came for career day last year, and I thought her job was very interesting. The reason why I'd like to interview her is because she has a lot of experience doing what she loves, and I think she could help me to find out what could be something exciting and interesting to focus on my project. She could reconmmend me some people or places, and give me an idea of how working with child abuse cases is really like.

2. What additional questions will you ask them?
In addition to the required questions I will ask them,

- What do you think would be a good focus to start off with my project?
- What do you think I could accomplish this year by doing this project?
- What do you consider to be the biggest challenge about your job?
- What is the most important quality in a social worker?
- What courses would you reconmmed me that could help to have a better understanding?

- What are some important aspects about this job that I should keep in mind while working on my project?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog 1: Senior Project Topic.

What is your topic?
Child Welfare.

The reason why I chose Child Welfare as my project is because social work is one of my career options. Personally, I don't think that being a social worker is easy. I know what their job is, but I really don't know what are all the things they have to do in order to do a good job. Therefore, I'd like to explore a little more in depth what their job is really about. Also, I have always had a passion for kids, and since I was little I knew I wanted to do something to help others, especially children. I believe that children play an important role in our future as the same way we do in their present. They need to have a decent childhood in order to develop every skill they have, and that is why I would like to help those that are not living in a appropriate family environment.

What do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic this year?
I hope to really understand and learn more about the different ways child welfare can help a child. Also to find out if this is something I really want to do, and even if I don't like it as much as I thought I did, I think this would give me experience and would help me to know more about myself.