Supporting Survivors of Human Trafficking
L: Human Trafficking: illegal trade of human beings (labor,sexual, domestic, and commercial exploitation)
I: I think that most. Of the time when people think of human trafficking they only think that it requires crossing the borders. However, this is based on the dynamic of the relationship between the victim and the trafficker, not necessarily the distance that is travelled.
L: Traffickers use different techniques in order to scared the victims and have them under their control. They tend to isolate the victim so they don't get any type of support, creating financial obligations, confiscating legal papers, and violence.
I: I think that these are obvious techniques, but they're not always easily recognized because victims won't talk about it or simply lie.
I: people often think that victims always work in crowded conditions such as sweatshops, domestic work, sex work, agriculture, but in several cases persons were trafficked into marriages. (mail order brides). This can be very scary, and it is happening right now but we don't see it because it's not very obvious.
L: smuggling and trafficking are not the same thing. In trafficking legal papers are taken always and smuggling they are going to another country because they want to. The laws for trafficking are differents from the ones of smuggling humans.
I: I thinks that if I ever suspect that a victim was trafficked I would have to ask how she entered they country, or who they live with and what they do for living. It might sound like intruding their personal lives, but it'a important to clarify somethings before filing a report.
L:in October 2000, the Traffick
Ing Victims Protection Act of 2000(TVPA) made human trafficking illegal. This law gives immigration options to the victims and this contains more more protections than the original form.
- the "T visa" provides victims access to public benefits, social services, and immigration protections.
I: I can't believe it human trafficking was made illegal until 2000! I wonder what the laws stated before. I think it is good that there are more laws for survivors of human trafficking and i think it is also important to let the survivors know their rights so they will be more likely to cooperate.
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