Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

 “I, Flor Peralta, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work." 
My independent component was starting a club. The Club is called 'Know It Forward' and its purpose is to raise sexual assault awareness within the school. Moreover, I've been working on putting together the first annaul Danim Day in the city of Pomona. This is event is to raise sexual assault and rape awareness within the community.
Denim Day is an event to raise sexual assault and rape awareness within the community. I think that working with Denim Day committee has helped me to see different points of views of sexual assault and rape and how people, especially teenagers, look at it and learn what sexual assault really is. This experience has given me the necessary knowledge of sexual assault and rape, and I believe that this is very essential to be able to answer my EQ. The first Denim Day meeting was on October 27th; every month we have a two hour meeting in order to put everything we’ve been working on together. The event will take place on April 25TH from 3pm-6pm.
The purpose of Know it Forward Club is to raise awareness of sexual assault and rape at iPoly. I think it’s very important to educate the students about what is really going on in our community. I have a meeting every Thursdays from 12:45 to 1:30. I provide information about different issues related to my topic and we have different activities that could help the members have a better understanding of what sexual assault is and how people tend to deal with it. Also, the club leaders always try to have a meeting every Wednesday for an hour, or more if necessary, in order to organize and prepare what we’re going to do for the next meeting.

I believe that my independent component has helped me answer my EQ because it gave me a better understanding of what sexual assault really is and how people deal with it. I had the opportunity to learn what it is, to teach others about it, and get different perspectives about this topic. I’ve learn that when helping a patient that has been sexually abused, there are going to be different reactions and beliefs involved, therefore, it’s good to see what other people think and believe about it.

Grading Criteria
·      LOG
·      Denim Day fb page

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